Here's to Sax and Sexis!!!
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So do you find yourself in a restaurant and grinning because the person next to you ordered bacon, or maybe everytime you see someone playing poker you think about casinos in Puerto Rico. Here are a few tokens that will forever remind us of Sax and Sexis!!!
Sax tokens!!!
Bacon - Can you honestly not think about Sax when you see it?"
Queen of hearts card - Oh like you never considered burning one and sending it to Ingo to see if he'd spend the night to protect you.
china dolls - Their beautifully toned skin color reminds you of the classy Ms. Chandler Qaurtermaine who is in reality just as fragile as one....submitted by Ambr89
Hypothermia - We all wish we could have it so Jax can "Warm us up"......submitted by Belle

Send you're Sax token here!!!

Sexis tokens!!!
Popcorn - I don't know bout you but I love popcorn now even though I hate popcorn
Poker chips - What is poker? I don't know but I can give you a detailed description about what a poker chip means to me.
Gardenias - You never cared much for flowers but now you wish you'd find a box full of them on your doorstep don't you?
Strawberries - Oh lordie, Nothing sexier eh? I'm off to get me strawberries.
Black satin sheets - Ha! Already got them, now if I can just find that sexy mobster.

Send you're Sexis token here!!!